World Heritage Journeys
World Heritage Journeys
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Discover Europe's World Heritage by Train - 搭乘火车探索欧洲的世界遗产
Переглядів 3764 роки тому
Eurail 欧铁 · 世界遗产之旅 邀你 身临其境 欧洲拥有璀璨炫目的联合国教科文组织世界遗产地 (UNESCO World Heritage properties)。这些多姿多彩的遗产地见证了欧洲文化的历史变迁,同时吸引着无数旅行者身临其境。 2018中欧旅游年, UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)与National Geographic(美国国家地理)联合Eurail欧铁, 为旅行者打造了6条与众不同的旅行路线,以欧铁的方式,深入体验世界遗产之旅。
Aranjuez, Spain: Un Paraíso Real
Переглядів 17 тис.4 роки тому
Come play with royalty and discover the riverside paradise Spain's monarchy created with thousands of exotic trees. In a fertile valley formed by the Tajo and Jarama River basins, the vast gardens of Spain's Aranjuez Palace became the site of Europe's most important collection of cultivated trees. Declared a royal site for the Spanish Crown in the late 15th century, this seminal cultural and sc...
World Heritage Journeys of Europe at ITB Berlin - National Geographic
Переглядів 2024 роки тому
Introducing World Heritage Journeys Europe, a new platform by UNESCO and National Geographic, guiding travellers to experience the European Union's World Heritage in deeper and more sustainable ways.
托卡伊葡萄酒产地历史文化景观, 匈牙利 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 3814 роки тому
托卡伊葡萄酒产地是匈牙利最受欢迎的某些葡萄酒品牌的产地。该地区绵延在一片浪漫的景色之中,迷宫般的酒窖、葡萄园和种植葡萄的山坡散落在Zemplén山脉的山脚下。产地的酿酒历史可追溯到一千多年前,其最著名的贵腐酒被法国国王路易十五誉为“Vinum Regum, Rex Vinorum”,即酒中之王,王者之酒。 更多关于托卡伊:
法伦的大铜山采矿区, 瑞典 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 6444 роки тому
游览法伦大铜山采矿区是穿越历史之旅,这里曾经是全世界最重要的采矿区之一。铜矿的历史可以追溯到1000多年前,在17世纪鼎盛时期,其铜产量占西方世界铜产量的70%。作为主要铜生产国,当年瑞典对欧洲的技术、经济、社会和政治发展带来深远的影响。 更多关于法伦
埃森的关税同盟煤矿工业区, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 4594 роки тому
埃森关税同盟煤矿工业区当年曾是世界上规模最大、最现代化的煤炭开采系统,是欧洲重工业发展的缩影。鼎盛时期曾有8000名矿工日夜在矿井和地面建筑中工作。在1986年停产前,此处的煤炭挖掘和处理已有135年的历史。如今该矿区凭借其深受包豪斯风格影响的建筑成为现代工业建筑的标志,同时也成为一个艺术和文化中心。 更多关于埃森
北部加来采矿盆地, 法国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 994 роки тому
北加来海峡采矿盆地位于法国的东部,这片文化景区面积约4000公顷,三个世纪的煤炭采掘使这片土地到处都是技术和建筑的宝库。沿着矿工阶梯走下矿井,听一听第一手的故事,可以了解当年工人们的生活和工作状况。 更多关于北部加来采矿盆地
赖迈尔斯堡矿、戈斯拉尔古城和上哈尔茨山的水资源管理系统, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 1604 роки тому
上下千年,赖迈尔斯堡矿山一直是整个欧洲创新开采作业的典范。11世纪初,戈斯拉尔城建立在矿藏财富之上,直至1253年,一直是德国皇帝的居住地。在中世纪,西多会的修士们开始修建上哈尔茨采矿水利工程(该遗产地的第三分支),工程建设持续到19世纪。该地区的持续成功和工业发展促进了今日德国的诞生。 更多关于赖迈尔斯堡矿山
瓦隆尼亚采矿遗迹群, 比利时 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 1624 роки тому
位于瓦隆尼亚的这片煤炭盆地的四处遗产地延伸170公里,是改变19和20世纪欧洲面貌的工业革命的象征。这些遗产地体现了与启蒙时代崛起的工业和工人城市的乌托邦观点相联系的建筑和城市发展趋势。这些保存完好的遗产地如今建起了令人瞩目的博物馆,向曾经在这里生活和工作、如今生活在欧洲各地的几代矿工们致敬! 更多关于瓦隆尼亚
嘉德水道桥, 法国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 1,5 тис.4 роки тому
嘉德河上的嘉德水道桥始建于公元前1世纪,被誉为罗马水道桥建造史上无可争议的巅峰之作。罗马建筑师和水利工程师设计建造的这座大桥是技术和艺术领域的杰作。桥高近50米,分为三层,最长处275米。大桥四周的自然景色秀丽,在加里格岩石地表的衬托下,两种截然不同的地质地貌并存。 更多关于莱德尼采-瓦尔季采
特里尔古城, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 8364 роки тому
特里尔在公元1世纪成为罗马人的殖民地,是德国最古老的城市之一。3世纪末,特里尔成为罗马帝国四帝共治时代的首都之一,时称“第二罗马”。这里宏伟的建筑提醒着人们,此地曾经有过辉煌的历史,高大的黑门是阿尔卑斯山以北最大的罗马城门。特里尔拥有罗马以外规模最大的古罗马建筑群,是这个古老文明的生动见证。 来到这座最伟大的罗马城市之一,探索宏伟古迹,感受非凡成就。 更多关于特里尔
莱德尼采-瓦尔季采文化景观, 捷克共和国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 2804 роки тому
莱德尼采-瓦尔季采文化景观的核心是一座建于12世纪的宏伟边境城堡。如今这里有着浪漫的城堡、风景如画的村庄和广阔的园林。17至20世纪,列支敦士登历 大公致力于将自己的片片领地连缀成一座巨大的花园,巴洛克和新哥特建筑风格的城堡、小巧的屋舍和英式景观园林在此相得益彰。 更多关于莱德尼采-瓦尔季采
莱茵河中上游河谷, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 5544 роки тому
中莱茵河在中世纪是神圣罗马帝国的核心地区,如磁石一般吸引着伟大的艺术、天才的创造力和精湛的工艺。在鼎盛时期,这里曾是欧洲乃至全世界最重要的贸易区。沿莱茵河旅行,体验文化和传说,品尝美食佳酿,饱览欧洲最著名的浪漫风景。 探索壮美的自然景观、梦幻般的城堡和众多迷人的河畔小镇。 更多关于莱茵河
瓦豪文化景观, 奥地利 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 3354 роки тому
瓦豪是多瑙河河谷中的一段,地处梅尔克和克雷姆斯之间,这里的中世纪景观保存完好,历经岁月却生机盎然。城镇和村庄中的建筑反映出当地数百年来的变迁和社会结构的变化。几个世纪以来,流传着许多关于瓦豪的浪漫传说,据说城堡里曾经发生过无数令人心碎的爱情故事,特别是在中世纪。 更多关于瓦豪
圣米歇尔山及其海湾, 法国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 6274 роки тому
圣米歇尔山及其海湾, 法国 - 世界遗产之旅
克罗麦里兹花园和城堡, 捷克共和国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 2404 роки тому
克罗麦里兹花园和城堡, 捷克共和国 - 世界遗产之旅
辛特拉文化景观, 葡萄牙 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 2424 роки тому
辛特拉文化景观, 葡萄牙 - 世界遗产之旅
波茨坦王宫和园林, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Переглядів 4444 роки тому
波茨坦王宫和园林, 德国 - 世界遗产之旅
Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin, France - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin, France - World Heritage Journeys
Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia, Italy - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 9 тис.4 роки тому
Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia, Italy - World Heritage Journeys
Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay, France - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 14 тис.4 роки тому
Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay, France - World Heritage Journeys
Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Germany - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 10 тис.4 роки тому
Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Germany - World Heritage Journeys
Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 12 тис.4 роки тому
Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria - World Heritage Journeys
Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain - World Heritage Journeys
Major Mining Sites of Wallonia, Belgium - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
Major Mining Sites of Wallonia, Belgium - World Heritage Journeys
Trier, Germany - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 9 тис.4 роки тому
Trier, Germany - World Heritage Journeys
Mines of Rammelsberg, Historic Town of Goslar, and Upper Harz Water System, Germany
Переглядів 10 тис.4 роки тому
Mines of Rammelsberg, Historic Town of Goslar, and Upper Harz Water System, Germany
Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czechia - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czechia - World Heritage Journeys
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž, Czechia - World Heritage Journeys
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž, Czechia - World Heritage Journeys


  • @jhonfredyladinocordoba3646
    @jhonfredyladinocordoba3646 22 дні тому

    Sencillamente hermoso 😍🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴

  • @user-je5cv9co7t
    @user-je5cv9co7t Місяць тому

    It is a place that taught the world the healing effect of Logos)(theatrhe, poetry...)

  • @TheReal2Bert
    @TheReal2Bert Місяць тому

    I always upgrade the Falun mine in EUIV.

  • @sotender48
    @sotender48 Місяць тому


  • @dominik4767
    @dominik4767 2 місяці тому


  • @protector4286
    @protector4286 2 місяці тому

    обичам си града ве

  • @fighter2499
    @fighter2499 2 місяці тому

    Beautiful ❤

  • @BlesinskiTravel
    @BlesinskiTravel 2 місяці тому

    Super gemacht ein abo für dich 😊

  • @JXhouse123
    @JXhouse123 3 місяці тому


  • @poonamsharma-jg4vq
    @poonamsharma-jg4vq 3 місяці тому


  • @user-pj9ez5pp2c
    @user-pj9ez5pp2c 7 місяців тому

    I misss you😍and i love u

  • @samsalhi5887
    @samsalhi5887 8 місяців тому

    In 2018, I visited this magnificent place.

  • @user-be4fu5um2f
    @user-be4fu5um2f 8 місяців тому

    Уникален. Град.

  • @anaibarangan4908
    @anaibarangan4908 Рік тому

    This is no doubt one of the best places to live in Spain. It's very unknown, because tourism heads towards the beaches.

  • @marvinsilverman4394
    @marvinsilverman4394 Рік тому

    beautiful !!!!!

  • @jeanxaviersalvagebapthiste4449

    what does a croen by appoitment the kings order of siant michel this is the crone not in bling bling in real live

  • @franktichenor1979
    @franktichenor1979 Рік тому

    Right there is you're Rocket Science.

  • @franktichenor1979
    @franktichenor1979 Рік тому

    $40,000; Tokay wine. Vodka is an "B" class spirit wine. Unlike beer or whiskey. I told you're fagg*t a*s not to read with me.Disrespecting the comfort of my own home. Like you know what the hell you're doing.

  • @Marcopolo-yi7vc
    @Marcopolo-yi7vc Рік тому


  • @jakubw7206
    @jakubw7206 Рік тому


  • @elizabethdelrioortiz7235
    @elizabethdelrioortiz7235 Рік тому

    Bello lugar

  • @walter_the_danger
    @walter_the_danger Рік тому

    It doesn't make sense how beautiful and ridiculously big the palace and the park are...volume-wise they make versailles look like a kindergarten

    • @danielefabbro822
      @danielefabbro822 7 місяців тому

      It's Italy, where even the small things looks great. And the big things are works of art of countless generations of inspired men and women. It's a measure of the greatness of human being. Despite the fact we can actually make better things than a royal palace. But art will always find its place here in Italy. And we keep it in shape in order it can inspire and amaze countless new generations of artists or just common people all around the world. It's a world heritage after all.

    • @Maul505
      @Maul505 5 місяців тому

      apparently the property is valued at around 300 billion dollars, it's insane

    • @brightgoldstar
      @brightgoldstar 2 місяці тому

      Oh please. It is a copy based on Versailles and not nearly as beautiful or important.

    • @walter_the_danger
      @walter_the_danger 2 місяці тому

      @@brightgoldstar cry harder

  • @rodrigogarces2254
    @rodrigogarces2254 Рік тому

    Preciosa ciudad !

  • @seylo515
    @seylo515 Рік тому


    @DAKLAKNEWSmtd Рік тому


  • @-hikertv
    @-hikertv Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @-hikertv
    @-hikertv Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @mikezhang5632
    @mikezhang5632 Рік тому

  • @angeloargentieri5605
    @angeloargentieri5605 Рік тому

    Capolavoro straordinario e senza tempo dell'ingegneria Romana , la grandezza, la potenza e la gloria di Roma è aeterna, Roma invicta et lux mundi !!!

  • @GolinskiView
    @GolinskiView Рік тому

    Very great Video 👍🏼😊my friend. I really liked your recording’s. Thumbs up 👍🏼 Fully watched 😉

  • @jarnewillockx5081
    @jarnewillockx5081 2 роки тому

    Geschiedenis *ahem* taak *ahem*

  • @iliaswolfdewanckel9374
    @iliaswolfdewanckel9374 2 роки тому

    Pov: de taak voor Geschiedenis

  • @hectorraulrena5651
    @hectorraulrena5651 2 роки тому

    ¡¡¡ Ahora comprendo por qué sirvió de inspiración a las mas hermosa genial Obra Musical del Siglo XX.!!

  • @rennzzos788
    @rennzzos788 2 роки тому

    I was there in the fall of 2019. I wish I could have stayed longer.

  • @oravado
    @oravado 2 роки тому

    This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these informations and the beauty of Italy! This is also what we want to do with our animated video. Really stunning shots, good job!🔥🔥🔥

  • @kolochan8156
    @kolochan8156 2 роки тому


  • @maurogonzales2872
    @maurogonzales2872 2 роки тому


  • @maxsavage3998
    @maxsavage3998 2 роки тому

    The sheer size and the quality of craftsmanship makes it priceless

  • @nicoangel690
    @nicoangel690 2 роки тому

    Επίδαυρος”. A moment in my life that I will never, ever forget. On our honeymoon, we traveled from Athens to Tripoli to my cousin’s home, meeting them, for the first newly found family, who I never met before , displaying that “Big, Fat Greek Hospitality” that I knew quite well growing up back in Chicago on the South Side. After a wonderful late lunch, we left and, on our way back to Athens, I saw it!.... the Sign! ... “Επίδαυρος“ ( Epidaurus). “My childhood dream came true”. I made a quick, illegal turn to access the road that led to the Theatre.....(”Δεν υπάρχει αστυνομία ....No Police!”...Ha HA!)....driving endlessly on a forever Winding Road which seemed forever, indeed . The midday Sun was waning then when we arrived around 5 pm, and, to our shock, we saw there were no buses, no cars, no taxis, no tourist guides. NOTHING!......EMPTY ! It Was Closed !! Heartbreak!!! No !!....No Way !!. “I did not travel to this Mythical Wonder, winding around those treacherous cliffs, only to be turned back” ( try doing that to a Hellene, BTW ). But!...Wait a minute...Ok......I had an idea, though...a schemingly, clever Odyssean plan ...that of the use of Our timeless, secret weapon ... “ The Hellenic Art of BS !” Would it work, though, I wondered ? The gracious, old gentleman, with the keys to the entrance to the Theatre, at the bottom of that hill, listened quietly, intently and respectfully to my hopefully persuasive, sobbing narrative (after a minute of laborious persuasion...telling him that I was a “Hollywood Director and that my wife was the Leading Lady…. the Staring Actress” in a blockbuster movie that was being produced there shortly). Yes... my Hellenic Language failed me throughout, BUT! ..even so, the great Aristophanes ( He!.. who capitalized on the Art of BS in our ageless Comedic Culture of Theatre) stood by me in spirit, proud of my speech at that very moment...why... I could hear his applause over the joyed roar of his ancient audience intently! “ΚΑΛΟ ΝΙΚΟ”……Aristophanes said in his ancient, Attic Hellenic Language.... I know!.... I heard him say it”…... “αυτό είναι” Well now... chuckling with his twinkling eyes and with ageless Wisdom, the old caretaker caught my sincerity or, shall we say………..”My BS”, and immediately smiled ...then allowed us both to run up to see this world marvel without escort. "Έχετε μόνο 15 λεπτά! Θα έρθω να σε πάρω μετά από αυτό ..... Πήγαινε!" ( “you have 15 minutes ..after that I’ll come get you myself !!...GO! GO NOW... ON YOUR WAY!”) This man must be from Crete, I thought ! “ΙΣΧΥΡΟΣ”... STRONG & “ΣΚΛΗΡΟΣ”... TOUGH ! “Ένας Έλληνας γνωρίζει έναν Έλληνα, προφανώς!”....”A Hellene knows a Hellene.....profound!”..... apparently!. Well, we ran like Olympian Athletes up the hill my “Dream Come True” since I was a child ! I was finally there... stunned ...crying endless tears. We were all alone.... no one else.....just the flowered, Northern Winds whistling softly. Yes.. I was allowed by the Gods now...standing over the weathered, bronze coin that Euripides once stood on in the center orchestra.... “Στεκόμουν μπροστά σε ένα μυθικό ελληνικό αυτί”…( I was standing in front of an Ancient Mythical Ear ). Respectively, rubbing my hands with the fertile soil of my father’s land, I waived to my wife as she climbed to the very top. I shouted “MOLON !”…. “LABE !” ( “COME!”....”TAKE!” ) and she responded like a timeless "Kouroi" maiden with that smile......her quintessential Hellenic "Contrapposto Pose"....PERFECT ! I knew then My Dream had come to fruition. I was on Olympus itself. As my wife and I traded places, she standing on the center bronze coin down in the orchestra and me now standing at the top of the theatre, I was profoundly stunned by her robust...realizing what “Genius My Ancestors Gave To Humanity”. Epidauvros is marvel of acoustics ! The stone steps filter the background noise and create a phenomenon called ‘virtual pitch,’ which enhances the clarity and quality of sound. Additionally, the distance between the rows of seats diffuses the sound everywhere with the same intensity. Other factors include the sound bouncing back from the hard, compact surface of the orchestra and the theater stands, the good quality marble used, the quiet scenery and the constant breeze blowing from the orchestra to the viewers. Now...Let me tell you all what the sound is really like ...exactly. Take both hands and place them behind both ears, as the elderly do when listening. Then.... speak your thoughts.... clearly abound ! Hence....all will flavor the exact magical sound quality expounded over two and a half thousand years of “Hellenic Brilliance” ...... “The Immortality that is ...” MY ELLAS” ! "ZOUME YIA PANTA" !! 2

  • @TheMariodeblas
    @TheMariodeblas 2 роки тому


  • @TheMariodeblas
    @TheMariodeblas 2 роки тому


  • @TheMariodeblas
    @TheMariodeblas 2 роки тому


  • @changbeiwu73
    @changbeiwu73 2 роки тому

    是阿奎莱亚 ,不是阿奎拉。0:08 怎么又写了西班牙

  • @TravelingisFREEDOM
    @TravelingisFREEDOM 2 роки тому

    This seems to be a very charming place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future when all this is over. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!

  • @swordgamez7400
    @swordgamez7400 2 роки тому

    Can you upload video without subtitles also please

  • @auroraveneziacarlislemakea8186
    @auroraveneziacarlislemakea8186 2 роки тому

    Stunning Romantic 🌹🌹🌹🌹🥰

  • @andreast359
    @andreast359 3 роки тому

    L'architettura romana armonizza l'interiorità dell'uomo. E' bella da vedere. Crea un senso di bellezza interiore.Entra in buon rapporto con la natura.

  • @user-xi2lc3rd4e
    @user-xi2lc3rd4e 3 роки тому

    We are

  • @AnnaLVajda
    @AnnaLVajda 3 роки тому

    This is nice once in a while.

  • @JY-tq4ir
    @JY-tq4ir 3 роки тому
